New Planetary System Affirms Solar System’s Design

New Planetary System Affirms Solar System’s Design

TNRTB Archive – Retained for reference information

As scientists discover more planetary systems, the case for fine-tuning in the solar system grows. Recently, three Neptune-mass planets were discovered orbiting a nearby star. Interestingly, astronomers believe the star holds an asteroid belt and that one of the three planets orbits inside the habitable zone—the region where liquid water can exist. However, no detectable gas-giant planet like Jupiter resides in this system (Jupiter provides vital protection for Earth from cometary and asteroidal impacts). Similarly, the size of the planets will dramatically affect their capacity to support long-standing plate tectonics, form large moons, and many other characteristics important for advanced life. While planetary systems with one or two essential parameters for life may be found, RTB’s cosmic creation model predicts that no other planets will be found that match all the life-necessary parameters already known.