Origin of Late Heavy Bombardment Impactors Determined

Origin of Late Heavy Bombardment Impactors Determined

TNRTB Archive – Retained for reference information

Recent research buttresses RTB’s cosmic creation model and shows the intricate design of the solar system. A team of international astronomers has determined the source of impactors responsible for the late heavy bombardment (LHB)—a period approximately 3.9 to 3.8 billion years ago—which affected the entire inner solar system. The team found that the cratering distributions on the Moon, Mercury, and Mars matched the size distributions of the main belt asteroids—the asteroids between Mars and Jupiter. A probable cause of the disruption that sent the main belt asteroids into the inner solar system was a brief period in the early solar system when there were frequent resonances between Jupiter and Saturn as they migrated toward their current orbits. They also determined that either cometary contribution to the LHB was minimal or it occurred before most of the asteroid impacts. Since the asteroid impacts were sterilizing, this result places strong constraints on the amount of biological precursors available on Earth from cometary sources. The LHB was critical for delivering the ample heavy metals that drive Earth’s plate tectonics, and scientists increasingly see this period as a unique, carefully crafted event in the formation of our solar system.