More Evidence for Galactic Fine-tuning

More Evidence for Galactic Fine-tuning

TNRTB Archive – Retained for reference information

Further evidence of the fine-tuning exhibited by the Milky Way Galaxy comes from studies of star-formation rates in galaxies. A team of astronomers demonstrated that more-massive galaxies in denser regions experience prodigious star formation early in their history, but their star formation stops earlier. Thus, to provide an environment for a habitable solar system, a galaxy must not be too large or in too-dense a region. On the other hand, galaxies that are too small or in not-dense-enough regions will not produce a sufficient quantity of the heavy elements upon which life depends. The Milky Way Galaxy, where Earth’s solar system resides, happens to be a galaxy of the right size and in the properly dense environment to ensure abundant star formation until the present epoch. Such fine-tuning comports well with RTB’s cosmic creation model, in which a super-intelligent Designer works to prepare a planet capable of supporting long-standing life.