Galaxy-Disc Formation Time-Scales Confirmed

Galaxy-Disc Formation Time-Scales Confirmed

TNRTB Archive – Retained for reference information

Observations of local stars confirm standard models of galaxy formation and reaffirm the antiquity of the universe. The thickness of the gas disc in the Milky Way Galaxy (MWG) decreases over time. Early stars, formed when the disc was young and thick, typically date around 12 billion years. In contrast, stars that formed when the disc was thinner date around 8 billion years. Additionally, the chemical composition of the stars change as the disc thins. Astronomers found stars that should date between the two populations, based on their composition. These intermediate stars were recently dated at 10 billion years—precisely the date expected based on their chemical composition. These results further buttress RTB’s cosmic creation model while providing additional evidence against a 6,000-10,000-year-old cosmos.