Galactic Carbon and Oxygen Abundance Design

Galactic Carbon and Oxygen Abundance Design

TNRTB Archive – Retained for reference information

A team of Mexican and Spanish astronomers has found more design features for the Milky Way Galaxy. For life to be possible, the life-support planet must form in a region of the galaxy that has the just-right abundances of carbon and oxygen. The team discovered that these just-right abundances demand that the following factors be fine-tuned: the age of the galaxy, the age of the planet, the distance of the life-support planet from the center of the galaxy, and the abundance and density of 1) massive stars, 2) intermediate stars, and 3) low-mass stars when the galaxy is young. These galactic design features, in addition to several dozen more that already have been discovered or acknowledged, testify of a superintelligent, supernatural Creator.