Direct Measurements for Matter and Antimatter

Direct Measurements for Matter and Antimatter

TNRTB Archive – Retained for reference information

An “imbalance” in the physics of fundamental particle interaction points to supernatural design. From a naturalistic perspective physics should be simple and perfectly balanced in every way. However, for three decades theoretical physics calculations have demonstrated that a very slight imbalance must exist between matter and antimatter and that the level of the imbalance must be precisely fine-tuned for life to be possible. Now, an experimental team (the BaBar Collaboration) has made the first direct measurement of this imbalance, otherwise known as charge parity violation. They found that when B-mesons particles decay, they are about 30 percent more likely to decay into matter byproducts as compared to antimatter byproducts. The measurement supports the conclusion that the physics of fundamental particle interaction indeed is exquisitely fine-tuned, tweaked out of balance by the just-right amount, so that there will be the precisely required amounts of matter and antimatter in the universe to make life possible.